The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) conducts selection exams yearly to find the most qualified applicants for Group 1 positions. The TNPSC group 1 test is conducted to select candidates for many posts like Deputy Collector, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), Assistant Commissioner, District Employment Officer, District Officer, Deputy Registrar of Co-operative Societies, District Registrar and Assistant Director of Rural Development.
The TNPSC recruitment procedure will be based on a three-tiered selection, Prelims, Mains and the Interview. Only those applicants who successfully pass the TNPSC Prelims can take the Mains exam. The candidates who clear Mains are then invited to take the Interview, which is the last and most important stage of the recruitment process.
The TNPSC exam is also on the lines of the UPSC CSE exam, and hence, aspirants must have a proper study plan in order to get through all the stages of the exam in one go. Below, we have provided the preparation tips that can help aspirants to devise their own strategy and help them clear the exam.
Preparation Tips for TNPSC Group 1 Exam
Candidates preparing for the State examination must remember that their understanding of the topics must be from the standpoint of the State. It is advised to start preparing for the TNPSC by reading the state board textbooks from Classes 6 to 10 to understand the fundamental concepts for Prelims and Mains. The detailed preparation strategy is given below.
- Understanding Exam Pattern & Syllabus: Aspirants must go through the detailed exam pattern and syllabus of the TNPSC Group 1 exam. It is crucial to understand the exam pattern and syllabus to avoid wasting time reading unrelated material from a TNPSC preparation viewpoint. Plan the preparation based on the mark distribution of different topics; it is very important to keep in mind to never ignore the sections with more weightage in the exam.
- Make a Suitable Timetable: Divide the time based on the number of subjects in the exam. Since the Prelims exam is objective in nature and the Mains exam is subjective, aspirants must include both when preparing the timetable. Solving objective questions and practising answer writing should be included for comprehensive preparation.
- Choose Right and Minimum Books: Choosing the right books is crucial for any competitive examination. Aspirants must start with the basic books like NCERTs from Classes 6 to 10 and then move to the standard books for each subject. But aspirants must keep in mind to keep the minimum number of books for each of the subjects and focus more on the revision.
- Focus on Current Affairs: Current affairs are very important for TNPSC Prelims and Mains exam. Candidates should read any one newspaper, The Hindu or The Indian Express, to stay updated with the recent happenings in the country, which are important for the exam.
- Make Short Notes for Quick Revision: While studying, aspirants must make a note of the important information, such as facts, figures, etc., which might be important for the exam. Such short notes are really helpful for last-minute revisions before the exams.
- Emphasise More on Revision: Aspirants must revise all the notes at least three times before the exam in order to score well in the examination. Since the syllabus of the TNPSC exam is enormous, it is important to have multiple revisions to excel in the exam.
- Solve Previous Years’ Papers: Solving previous papers help aspirants to gauge an idea about the type of questions asked and important themes from the exam’s perspective. Aspirants must solve at least the past ten years’ papers to strengthen their preparation.
- Take Mock Tests: Taking mock papers helps aspirants to understand their mistakes and the gaps in preparation for the exam. Mock tests also help the aspirants to increase their speed in solving the exam, which is really helpful for time management during the actual exam. Mock tests can also be used to cover the topics which aspirants find difficult to prepare.
In addition to the above important preparation tips for the TNPSC exam, aspirants must understand that confidence plays an extremely important role in competitive exams. Completing the TNPSC Syllabus before the exam and proper revisions are important, but aspirants should keep calm and have confidence in their preparation to clear the exam. Hence, a day before the exam, aspirants are advised to relax and take proper sleep for at least eight hours and not take any stress.
The best way to succeed when preparing for the TNPSC Group 1 exam is to maintain consistency. Aspirants must practise regularly and stick to their timetable.